It is easy to see where agnostics and atheists can be easily influenced into thinking that there is no God. Throughout mankind’s history, he has come up with varying definitions of God, varying beliefs on how to reach out to such an Omnipotent Being, what form He/She takes, and what happens after death.

The world has always been saturated with various religions, denominations, sects, and holy books. Sometimes they conflict, sometimes they concur. Much blood has been shed in the name of God, and many have stood on rooftops and cried out to the skies, blowing a trumpet in the name of God, but with sinister and evil agendas in their hearts.

Yes, it’s easy to wring one’s hands in exasperation and conclude that there is no God and that we are all accidental events in time and space. But such a route leaves us as humans with just one journey to undertake, just one ticket to purchase…and severely narrows the difference between us and other living species.

Many of us of faith continue to believe that there is a master Architect and that human destiny is superior. Either we are accurate or we have duped ourselves into the biggest hoax of all.

Are we after all mere happenstance and so full of arrogance that we should feel entitled to more than one journey? I daresay that I am among those who, while we do not stand at the street corner seeking converts, are vain enough to believe that the human species is an exalted one with a destiny superior to anything else in the Universe.