Author: Miles Alex (Page 10 of 13)

“Spanish Woman”

Spanish woman, why did you do this to me?
Did you have to take my heart
And rip it apart?

Spanish woman, I trusted you
Why did you have to deceive me so?
When first we met
I thought you someone kind and gentle
Alas! That seeming innocence
Has pierced my heart so fiercely!

Spanish woman, so far away
From your native shores in Santo Domingo
You have captivated this poor indio
Now you return to your fiance
After deluding me and taking me to magnificent heights!

Spanish woman, I wish you good luck
But please do not do to him
What you’ve done to me

Do not bind him with your deceptive majesty
It would be better
If you set him free
Like you’ve done to me.

“Gone With The Times”

O cruel mind
That in my sleep
You should haunt me
With dreams of things long gone by
Of things that’re gone with the times

Remind me not
Of her beautiful eyes
Nor of the glistening hair
Which fell low
Like a cascade of rippling waters
Nor of the smile
That for a while
Would set my heart afire

Revive not memories of happy days
Of times gone by
Dreams of another day
That should by now have faded away

The dreams, the hopes are no more
The wound in my heart’s still deep
And each time you remind me I weep

So haunt me not any longer, cruel mind
For she is gone
Gone with the times.

“Reflecting on Diversity”

“They say that diversity is a good thing. I often hear poets sing praises of the variety of flora and fauna and compare such spectacle to the cosmopolitan human race.

“Yet each day, I wake up, each night I go to bed to the same sounds of dissonance across the globe. Sometimes, I even lose track of who’s hating whom and for what reason today. Is it religion? Country? Tribe? Race? Region? Caste? Sect? Who knows what it’ll be like tomorrow.

“Maybe it’s just me. Perhaps I need to step back. What’s that they also say – look at the forest and not the trees? Ahh, but if the trees all break and collapse, there’ll be no forest to look at, will there?

“Yeah, diversity can be a good thing. I’d get tired of looking only at roses or tulips or at just cows and horses. It’s nice to see the cherry blossom come to life on a beautiful spring morning, and to watch a squirrel run up a tree grasping a nut while the ducks go “quack, quack” in a nearby lake.

“Back to humans, though. Is diversity making us all happier or do we just say so because we have no control and it’s just pure acceptance of the inevitable? Would we be happier if we were all alike? Would the world be a more blissful, tranquil, idyllic place for all? Alas, I do not know.

“Perhaps, it’s time to end my soliloquy and pen a poem of romance and love and beautiful things under God’s good earth”….”Reflections of My Heart”…Miles Alex

“The Right To Believe Or Not To Believe”

Quotation: “Sir, no nation has ever yet existed or been governed without religion. Nor can be. The Christian religion is the best religion that has been given to man, and I as chief magistrate of this nation am bound to give it the sanction of my example.”

The above-referenced quotation was alleged to have been made by Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, Principal Signer of the Declaration of Independence, and Third President of the United States of America.

Many today debate whether America was founded as a Christian nation or not. It appears to me that while the Constitution makes no direct reference to God, circumstantial evidence existent at the time of its drafting and passage clearly support the idea that it was indeed founded based on Christian principles.

For me (a Christian by birth and a believer in God), the issue today facing America and the world is not whether America is a Christian nation or not. There is a larger issue, in theocracies where they exist (as in the Middle East and elsewhere) and in other countries, of how best to safeguard the rights of those within who share dissenting beliefs.

Certainly, in God’s good earth, very few would argue that a nation should expel individuals who do not subscribe to the prevailing religious doctrine. Likewise, too, it is a tough idea to sell that governments and constitutions must be required to obliterate all religiously-inspired principles of right and wrong in their establishment and functioning.

Constitutions, statutes, judicial rulings and interpretations are not created in a vacuum. Human beings are behind the drafting, enactments, and rulings. Human beings are influenced by what they believe in and their ideas of what is just, what is evil, what is right, and what is wrong.

Therein lies toady one of the biggest challenges facing many countries around the world – how to reconcile religious conviction with the rights of other citizens who may be atheistic, agnostic, or of differing religious beliefs and interpretations of divine principles. It is not an easy road to travel.

Today, one often turns on the TV or goes online, and sees horrific examples of people in many parts of the world becoming victims of atrocities committed by others inspired by their religious convictions. Throughout history, there has been much violence, bloodshed, and victimization of others because they were considered heretic or evil for deeds deemed punishable by scriptures.

As a believer in a Divine Being, I enjoy the company of believers, but I also recognize that, as with all other living species, there is diversity in the human race. We must live and let live. We often have to tolerate without approving. We must ensure, as best we can, our own rights, while safeguarding the rights of others who may not be part of the majority consensus. This is all easier said than done.

As a writer, I explore and question. Unfortunately, an artist cannot solve the world’s dilemmas. He or she can only raise questions, or address the consciousness to issues that matter.

It is collectively as human beings that we must find answers. And one of the most pressing matters we face today is how to balance religious beliefs with the rights of non-believers and those whose beliefs are dissimilar to our own.

“The Garden Of Life And Love”

In the garden of life and love, you will one day find the rose that you pluck, and that you hold close to your bosom. That rose becomes yours to keep, to cherish, to caress, and to hold beside you always.

There’ll always be another beauty, another hunk, another attractive and warm person who comes along your way. The rose you plucked did not deplete the garden. The soil will continue to flourish and beautify the scenery and add luster to life for all those who pass by. But the bloom you picked is the one that you value most.

If it beautifies and inspires your life, as you add loveliness to its life by your gentle caring, then there’s no need to leave it and seek another.

God’s magnificence continues to flourish in His Garden. Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you in the garden of life…but hold dear the flower that is yours… and let others without their own petals seek a lovely rose to be their own.

Visit To The Top Of The Rock, New York City


Writer Miles Alex at The Top of The Rock, New York City

As a writer, I often take a global view of life in all its manifestations.

Sometimes, though, it’s also exhilarating to take in a physical view of an awesome world-class city like New York – as I’m doing here at the Top of the Rock in Rockefeller Center.

“The Daily Grind Of A Subway Ride In NYC”

When I think of the pros and cons of living in NYC, I list the subway both places. It’s a pro in that you save on the costs of owning a car. That’s it for subway pros.

The cons? How about jam packed trains and cars, people reading their newspapers on your back, shoulder, or any of your body extremities that happen to be in view? How about the people with their ipods and backpacks who can’t hear you say excuse me so that you can get by them in a crowded car and who hit you with their backpacks if you do try to squeeze by anyway? Or the well dressed guy in the 3-piece Armani who grabs the seat next to you and smells like the bum that you tried to avoid sitting next to in the other car?

The folks who decide it’s their constitutional right to stand at the exits of the car all the way from uptown Manhattan to downtown Brooklyn and who look at you with a scowl when you try to make your paid for ingress and egress from the train? The people seeking handouts who decide to board the train at 5:00 p.m just in time for rush hour? You move over to another car and there’s a five-man vocal group who never made it in the 60’s and strangely enough still think they have a shot at it in the 2000’s and need to exhibit their talent in an overcrowded train full of tired, frenetic, depressed commuters who just heard on the news before leaving work that the Dow plummeted another 500 points thus converting their 401k’s into 101k’s?

The old lady who shoves you out of the way almost causing you to lose your balance as she dashes for the one available seat in the car competing with a 350-pound man who gets there first and hastily sits down, in the process displacing two seated individuals to the left and right?

How about the subway conductor to whom you ask a question about how to get to South Street Seaport and who refers you to the map in the car which you can’t see properly because of the tall fella sitting next to it and whose body covers it entirely? What about those tourists that just have to saunter in with their maps, papers, backpacks, luggage at rush hour rather than taking an earlier train since they pretty much can control their own schedules?

The crowds, the scents, the perverts having a field day with crowded cars, the scowls, the pole and door huggers, the ipod wearers who don’t give a damn about you trying to get by, the seats designed in the Orient for smaller sized people and unsuited for Americans thus forcing you to stand if an even slightly overweight person sits since she then needs to occupy 1.5 seats leaving you no room? And some highly paid MTA consultant probably recommended the ordering of fore mentioned cars in order to “save costs” but in reality to show that they are earning their grossly paid fees.

I tell you, if I could land a job somewhere nice where I could drive to work, secure a house with even a small yard, and seduce a loving woman to worship the ground I walk on (lol), I would exit the city in a New York minute and never look back at an NYC subway again.

Ah…a little fantasy never hurt anyone. What’s that, sir, the train is out of service again and I’d better wake up or get kicked off?


Each time I see you I wish that you were mine
Someone else is fortunate, this I know
To have you and to call you his

My ambitious mind in mockery does aspire
That I were he, enjoying the sweet things
That only you can give
But God blesses only the good
The unfortunate like me
Live and die in agony

Inviting One, speak not the sweet words that you do
Offer no longer your polite smile
For my heart cannot appreciate
That behind it all lies mere courtesy
No, it cries, she cares for me
Oh, that fantasy could become reality!
Such a dream come through would be too heavenly

If someday you e’er should be lonely
And need a friend to share your burdens
I’ll be waiting to offer my longing arms
Until that moment I’ll hope and pray
That God will bless you today and everyday.

“A Wandering Dreamer”

A rugged terrain
My lonely feet do trod
Passing by a million faces
That I’ll never see again

A load upon my shoulder
This weight upon my soul
Sweat dripping
From my dusty skin
Yet to my destiny
I must proceed
From this
I cannot ever recede

Yonder young couple
Their love blossoms
Beneath the sprawling tree
Oh, it reminds me
That I am free!

Ha! free I say?
It would be better
I am sure
Were I too a captive
Of someone’s warm embrace

Alas! This tortured mind of mine
Dreaming and aspiring!
To lofty heights it soars
Oblivious for a while
That I am just
Plain and lonely me

‘Tis dark again
I should be glad
My weary back to rest
Yet this recurring gloom
For foolish dreams
Once more
Will haunt me
In my imaginary room

We’ll travel
Over hills and peaks
The stars our only witness
Our lips will meet
In that sweet and fond caress
But come dawn
Like yesterday, once more
You’ll be gone

Someday soon
I hope and pray
When I turn another bend
This journey will be
At its lonely, long-awaited end.

“The Continuing Saga Of An NYC Man In Search Of A Date…Principles (And Some Comforters!) Before Love!”

Indeed, meeting people in the city can present a range of challenges – for both men and women. Some are brave enough to adopt extreme measures like going up to someone and claiming to be lost and in need of directions, pretending to be a talent scout, showing up at picnics in the park where one’s name is not on the guest list, and a range of other techniques.

Then when one does meet someone, one has to try to weed out the fakes, those with hidden agendas, those fronting, those double parked while promising to spend eternity with you, those who are as real as the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, people who are after your wallet, your body, your belongings, and the list goes on.

Yes indeed, one can walk up to anybody in the subway and meet him or her – but meeting a genuine, real person is sometimes quite a challenge here in the city.

Yeah, I’ve decided that the only way to meet genuine people is to be sincere and up-front about your intentions and say what you’re looking for in a relationship – be it romantic, sexual, short-term, long-term, etc.

The next time I meet a lingerie model at my neighborhood bar here in the city and she invites me home for coffee, I’ll just ask her to be candid and let me know what her intentions are. Is it coffee or is it coffee? It may very well be that I’ll acquiesce to what she’s seeking but I’d rather she come clean about her intentions.

Oh well, I did meet another Victoria’s Secret Model the other day and asked her the same question in her Central Park West apartment after we met at a bar and she invited me over for coffee. Well, she got really upset and showed me the door!

But I’m a principled man, I wanted her to be honest with me. Hey, I can live proudly with myself as I spend long winter evenings under two quilts, three comforters, two blankets, looking at a nightgown catalog and seeing her there as I never saw her before and never ever will outside those pages!

LOL, you win some, you lose some. Principles before Love…just keep some blankets handy!!

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