These days, a happy marriage can truly be listed among life’s rarities.The thing about marriage is that the family structure has been the foundation of stable societies for most of recorded human history. When families disintegrate there is a domino effect on the rest of society.

People stay together in unhappy relationships for a multitude of reasons – emotional, financial, the passage of time and the years invested, children, relatives, and other similar factors.

The modern marriage faces a dilemma that those in past centuries did not encounter – since divorce was not as socially acceptable as it is today. Should two unhappy people in a marriage continue to travel together because of considerations like those outlined above, even if they are both miserable and unable to make each other enjoy the short journey of life?

Or should they call it quits, come hell or high water, in order to eke out the best they can in the remaining part of the trip?

Is staying together in a sub-par long-term or marital union the lesser of two evils? Or is going separate ways the better alternative for the sake of both parties?

Maybe, in the final analysis, all one can conclude is that only God knows.