It’s a natural phenomenon to reminisce about the past – on so many different levels. Take, for example, the case of the immigrant, or even the case of someone who moves from one part of the country to another.

There’s often a feeling of nostalgia for the past, for what was left behind. It’s a natural feeling – and modest doses of yesteryear can be beneficial. However, when one immerses oneself entirely in events and places that one has left behind, there’s always the danger of being unable to move ahead properly.

In such circumstances, one needs to take time out to focus on the reasons one left the past behind. When images of the past – mental or physical – pop up along the way, it’s great to take a breather and enjoy a memory or two. It is unwise, though, in most instances, to let the past hang over one till it becomes an albatross and imprisons one mentally, even physically, from forging ahead.

Life is indeed a mixture of the past, the present, and the future. But looking ahead while keeping a part of yesterday’s lessons and experiences somewhere in the psyche….that is surely one ingredient in a lifetime success formula that we can all live by.