What a beautiful addition to the planet it was when God created man and woman…or for the naysayers, when Nature put the first male and female on the earth’s surface.
For six thousand years of recorded history, men and women have been an item, physically, emotionally, romantically, coming together as one and in so doing perpetuating the human race and adding stability to villages, tribes, countries, regions, societies throughout the world.
Relationships between men and women aren’t always easy and may never have been. The very biological and emotional differences which define and separate the two genders sometimes lead tomisunderstandings and turbulent relationships. To be sure, the astounding and amazing interaction of man and woman comes along with a price tag.
The wondrous beauty, curves, sexuality, finesse, softer touch, deeper emotions of the female species vis-a-vis the outwardly more robust, sterner, less finished, apparently (but not actually) less emotional facade of the male can come together to create a lifetime of emotional and physical satiety unrivaled in human experience. The same can also create tremendous interpersonal conflict.
Many have tried and are still experimenting with alternatives to the man-woman relationship…but I daresay that despite the awesome challenges that men and women face in their relationships with each other, the intent of God and Nature operating under normal forces to foster incomparable pleasure while sustaining civilization cannot be beat by alternative humanly contrived models.
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